In Third Person

A personal look into video games, the video game industry and video game culture.

Image from Hexus

With the Perfect Dark remake hitting XBOX Live next week, now was kind of a weird time for me to pick up the 2005 prequel, Perfect Dark Zero. I loved the original Perfect Dark, but I've never played this one. At the time, reviews for this game were pretty good, but this game has been the butt-end of many jokes since. I finally decided to take the plunge when I saw a brand new copy at the store for the rock-bottom price of $3.

I have yet to play it, but I'm already second-guessing my purchase. I watched my brother play this game for a bit, and it was...dated. The original Perfect Dark is even more dated, but I played it when it was new and have built a strong sense of nostalgia around the game. Perfect Dark Zero on the surface looks old. The graphics don't hold up, the controls appear clunky in a Halo/Modern Warfare world, bad guys take a bunch of bullets to take out and the inclusion of arrows on the ground to tell you where to go feels like a crutch to compensate for poor level design.

With that said, the game only cost me $3 and I have yet to actually play the game myself. I think I'll give it a shot before the remake hits next week.


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